
UMBY to Boost Social Entrepreneurship to Face Global Challenges

Senin, 11 Desember 2023 - 08:09
UMBY to Boost Social Entrepreneurship to Face Global Challenges The online international conference about social entrepreneurship held by UMBY. (Photo: AJP TIMES Indonesia)

TIMES BOGOR, JAKARTA – The Economic Faculty of Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta or known as UMBY held a International Conference of Social Entrepreneurship. The event took Encouraging Social Entrepreneurship to Face Global Challenges as their main theme. 

The conference kicked off with great enthusiasm as the Rector (Dr. Agus Slamet, S. TP., M.P., MCE) and Dean of the Faculty (Dr. Audita Nuvriasari, S.E., M.M.) officially inaugurated the event. The conference aimed to explore innovative approaches to address pressing global challenges through the lens of social entrepreneurship. 

More than 480 attendees eagerly gathered, representing a diverse array of backgrounds and experiences. All united by a common interest in harnessing entrepreneurial solutions for social impact.

The opening ceremony featured insightful remarks from the distinguished rector and dean. Both emphasizing the critical role of social entrepreneurship in shaping a more sustainable and equitable future. 

"This gathering represents a determining moment in our collective pursuit of sustainable solutions to global challenges," the Dean said.  

In addition she also stated that social entrepreneurship, with its focus on innovative and impactful approaches, has the potential to transform communities and address issues that transcend borders. The lady also underscored the aim of it which is to foster collaboration and inspire meaningful change.

The conference's agenda was rich with knowledge-sharing opportunities, featuring five prominent keynote speakers. All came from different background and expertise with distinguish topics. 

Prof. Dr. Ferry Jie from Australia set the tone by delving into the Collaborative Multistakeholder approach for developing social entrepreneurship in Australia. The audience gained valuable insights into the Australian model and its potential applicability on a global scale.

Following this, Prof. Dr. Roselina Ahmad Saufi from Malaysia took the stage to discuss the crucial role of higher education institutions in promoting social entrepreneurship within the Malaysian context. Her presentation highlighted the importance of academic institutions in fostering an entrepreneurial mindset among students and cultivating a supportive ecosystem for social enterprises. 

The diverse range of perspectives continued with Prof. Dr. Nadindla Srividya from India and Prof. Dr. Ramil Alfeche Ravanes from Thailand.  Both contributed their expertise and regional insights.

The conference reached its peak with the enlightening presentation by Prof. Dr. Ir. Dwiyati Pujimulyanim, M.P from Indonesia. The lady shared her thoughts on the unique challenges and opportunities for social entrepreneurship in the Indonesian landscape by focusing on herbal products. 

The collective wisdom of these esteemed speakers provided attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the global landscape of social entrepreneurship. It also ignited meaningful conversations about collaborative solutions to address shared challenges. 

As the conference at UMBY unfolded, it became evident that the International Conference of Social Entrepreneurship served as a catalyst for fostering international cooperation. It also foster knowledge exchange in the pursuit of a more socially responsible and sustainable world. (*)

Pewarta : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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